Laboratory of Advanced Photonic Materials and Physics
aboratory of Advanced Photonic Materials and Physics was established in 2001 under the support of 1st “985” Project. The aim of the Lab. is to study and develop advanced photonic materials and devices based on new physics, material and technology, which have academics and applications in information and other technologies. The Lab. is a part of “the State Key Laboratory on Fiber Optic Local Area Communication Networks and Advanced Optical Communication Systems” and “The key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Laser Plasma”. There are 4 professors, 2 distinguished researchers, 2 associate researchers, and about 25 Ph.D and Master candidates in the Lab.
From 2001, the researches in the Lab. are supported by over 20 national and other projects, including 973, 863, NSFC and Shanghai science and technology developing projects. Over 120 papers are published in SCI journals, such as Applied Physics Letters,Optic Letters,Optics Express,Physics Review A. Second award of Science and technology of Shanghai is achieved in 2004. In 2010, Prof. Xianfeng Chen won the C.N. Yang Award from AAPPS for the contribution to nonlinear optics. Currently, the research topics include nonlinear optics in domain-inverted micro-structure optical superlattice, optofludics and its application in integrated photonic circuits, TiO2 nanotube and its application in photovoltaic and optical information, spatial nonlinear optics and plasmonics.