Doctor Hailang Dai attended the ECBO 2017 in Munchen, Germany

Time:2017-07-04       Read:1751

Doctor Hailang Dai attended the EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL OPTICS (ECBO 2017), which was held 24-29 June 2017 in Munchen, Germany at the Messe Munchen international committee central. ECBO continues to be the world’s premier international forum for scientific and technical optics, uniting the field basic research to industry applications. Within the scope of a single conference, ECBO provides a forum where attendees can explore new scientific ideas, engineering concepts, and emerging applications in fields such as biophotonics, optical communications, and novel light sources. ECBO offers more than 200 oral presentations, 194 invited talks by some of the most respected researchers in our international community, and 23 tutorials. This year’s poster sessions include an outstanding list of more than 100 posters. Finally, ECBO offers a comprehensive short course program featuring 18 courses.

In ECBO, Doctor Hailang Dai gave an oral presentation titled” Ultralow-threshold continuous lasing assisted by an optofluidic metallic waveguide cavity”.