Doctor Hui Li, master Ji Yang and master Dongsheng Song attended the 12th National Symposium on Optics Frontiers

Time:2017-11-30       Read:2137

Doctor Hui Li, master Ji Yang and master Dongsheng Song attended the 12th National Symposium on Optics Frontiers(NSOF) held in Chongqing on 17-21 Dec 2017. The 12th NSOF was hosted by the Chinese Physics Society light physics Specialized Committee, Basic optical Specialized Committee of Chinese Optical Society and Key Laboratory of optical physics of Institute of physics Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), and organized by Chongqing Jiaotong University(CQJTU). The experts, professors and students from more than twenty research institutes and universities at home and abroad including Institute of Physics CAS, San Francisco State University(SFSU), Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) e.t delivered and discussed reports on their own work in the fields of laser physics, nonlinear optics material, nanomaterial, ultrashort ultrafast laser, new optical instruments, e.t.

Doctor Hui Li delivered an oral report titled “Nonlinear vortex beam array generation by spatially modulated fundamental wave”. Master Ji Yang delivered an oral report titled “Linear Cherenkov radiation in ferroelectric domain walls”. Master Dongsheng Song delivered an oral report titled “Bandwidth analysis of non-collinear fourth and fifth harmonic generation in nonlinear uniaxial crystals”.