Reconfigurable RGB dye lasers based on the laminar flow control in an optofluidic chip

Time:2018-09-13       Read:1105

This letter reports a white lasing in an optofluidic chip that simultaneously lases in red, green and blue colors inside a microfluidic channel. The chip is fabricated by conventional soft lithography using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). A Fabry-Perot cavity formed by two end coated fibers is embedded in the chip to provide the optical feedback of the laser. The gain media used are three kinds of dyes in ethanol solutions, which results in ease of adjusting lasing characteristics by choosing different dyes. Three dye solutions are with different injection rates by means of syringes to form stable laminar flow. Based on this, easy reconfigurable emission can be achieved. Eventually, white lasing is obtained when the pumping energy density is in excess of 26.1 μJ/mm2.