Published Papers (Year: 2002)

  • [2022-10-09] 0. Yuping Chen, Xianfeng Chen, Shengwu Xie, Xianglong Zeng, Yuxing Xia and Yingli Chen, Polarization dependence of quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation in bulk periodically poled LiNbO3, Journal of Optics A, 4(2002), 324-328

  • [2022-10-09] 0. Zeng Xianglong, Chen Xianfeng, Wu fei, Chen Yuping, Xia yuxing, Chen yingli, Second-harmonic generation with broadened flattop bandwidth in aperiodic domain-inverted gratings, Optics Communic, 204, 407–411 (2002)

  • [2022-10-09] 0. 陈玉萍, 陈险峰, 曾祥龙, 谢绳武, 夏宇兴, 陈英礼, 基于准位相匹配技术的一阶周期性极化铌酸锂中倍频过程产生18mW绿光连续输出, 光学学报, Vol.22, No.4(2002)